Thursday, June 30, 2011

We're totally on the same page

Okay, folks, I live in Hawaii. You know what that means, right? There is no Chick-Fil-A on this island. I just thought I would share my true feelings about the restaurant. This song makes me laugh my head off, but my husband thinks it's ridiculous. Clearly, he doesn't share my feelings, but I thought I would share it anyway.

*I don't own this video, thanks to youtube & singer, Tim Hawkins. Dude, you're hilarious.*

Monday, June 27, 2011

You know you're a chick from the South when...

Your top 5 movies are these:
This movie never, ever gets old! 

Total tear-jerker, but I LOVE OUISA!!!

Kathy Bates makes me laugh!!!

TOTAL chick flick

We all know that life is like a box of chocolates, right? How can you not help but love Forrest?
*I don't own these images, that all goes to Google.*

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A little taste of Heaven in yo' mouth

I believe one of the best things I could ever receive would be a great recipe.  If you don't know how to cook, don't worry! If you've got a good recipe, you're good to go!  You can be Betty Crocker herself with a good recipe in hand.  Now, I, by no means, am Betty Crocker, but I sure love trying to be anyway! I am from the South, so, I love some good Southern food (actually, any food for that matter), but I would have to consider this recipe Southern, for sure.

Today after church, my husband & I went to our friends' home, and I was able to try a little taste of Heaven in my mouth! I am SO not kidding! Get was NOT even CHOCOLATE and I was lovin' every bite I ate.  If you don't know me, I am a choc-aholic! I'm telling you, just trust me & try this pie!  You will be the Queen of the Kitchen! People will be saying, "Betty? Betty Who?"

Impossible Amazing Fabulous Good Ol' Buttermilk Pie

1 cup buttermilk
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup bisquick
1 tsp vanilla
3 eggs
1 stick butter (melted)

Combine all ingredients together. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Serve warm.

I wish I had a picture to share, but the pie was gone so fast there was no time for pictures! I had to get my slice!

Thank you, Hope, for such a good recipe! You made my day.

*If anyone else would like to share with me one of their favorite recipes, feel free!*

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A few of MY favorite things...

Now, I'm no OPRAH or anything, but I did want to share a few of my favorite things with you.

Yes, there I said it...or rather, the image just speaks for itself! I can admit it. Yes, I am addicted to Diet Coke! I LOVE Diet Coke! I have heard it all: Diet Coke is bad for you; Diet Coke brittles your bones; Diet Coke breaks out your face; Diet Coke makes you fat! And, still, I drink it every dadgum day! I know, I know, I need to get it together! I need to cut back. I need to learn to lower my daily intake of caffeine! But, for now, it is the top of my "favorite things" list (some would call this ignorance).  But, don't worry, Mom-as I'm writing this, I'm making a mental note to try to plan my official cutback of the thing that I call "GOLD!" One day at a time!

I just have to share! I got a deal today at the Navy Exchange.  I bought some Victoria Secret Body Wash for a whoppin' $4! Yes, FOUR! I was so happy...if you don't know me, I LOVE a deal! I LOVE a sale! I LOVE a steal! So, this stuff smells really good, and I am still basking in my after-the-sale glow!!!  So, that is 2 more of my favorite things---VS Body Wash & an amazing DEAL!

Ahem-I do not LOVE all the scents by VS, but I definitely have my favorites (all of the above & a few more)!

This "favorite thing" has a little sentimental value to it! I love the shade of Clinique's lipstick, Go Fig! This is the lipstick that I was introduced to on my wedding day, and it still stands by me today (along with my husband, Ha!).

I love DKNY Be Delicious Fresh Blossom. This is a "new" scent to me! I love the way this perfume smells. I'm gonna admit it, every single time we go into a department store & pass the perfume counter,  I HAVE to try the tester! I'm hoping I can hint enough about it, and maybe I'll get it for Christmas! :)

What are some of your favorite things?

*Thanks to Google Images for the images in this blog. I don't own them.*

Friday, June 24, 2011