Thursday, November 17, 2011

Baby on board

A PCS from HI to GA + Pregnancy = MIA!

But, don't worry, folks! I'm back & baby says, "Hey!"

Can you tell?!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede Soup

Okay, so, we've been to Dixie Stampede in Tennessee, and I got to thinking about the awesome food we had there back in December. (Okay, yes, I was thinking about food! If you know me, then you know how much I love to eat!!!) Mainly, I was thinking about the cream of vegetable soup that you drink (there are no spoons---or forks, for that matter)! Fabulous. Anyway, thanks to the lovely invention of the internet, I was able to find the recipe for Dolly's soup! Yes, Dolly put this recipe in her Dixie Fixin's cookbook! Bless you, Dolly! I love you today, and you don't know how much I love your soup. So, I thought I'd make the soup tonight for my husband & ME! Let me tell you, I had a few things missing in my pantry (i.e. corn syrup, parsley & white pepper-who has white pepper in their pantry??) for this recipe, but I thought I'd try it anyway. Praise the Lord that I did, this soup was SO YUM! SO, I just thought I'd share the recipe with you & hope that it turns out as well for you!

*Not my image-google images*(see the pic of the soup!)

Cream of Vegetable Soup

3 tablespoons margarine
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon corn syrup*
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon white pepper*
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chicken broth*
1 1/2 cups water*
3/4 cup finely chopped cooked vegetable (Veg-All will work)
1 pint half-and-half cream or heavy cream (for richer taste)
chopped fresh parsley
(I also added half an onion (chopped & sauteed)
(I also added half a can of corn (drained)


In a pot, melt margarine. Add onion, garlic, and corn syrup. Simmer 1 minute. Do NOT brown.
Add flour, white pepper, salt, chicken broth, water, and vegetables. Simmer 3 minutes.
Add half-and-half. Simmer until desired consistency. Stir constantly - do NOT bring to boil.
Garnish with chopped parsley and serve.

*I didn't have corn syrup.
*I used black pepper.
*Also, I used 2 cups of chicken broth instead of the water with the chicken broth.
*I made a roux with the butter & flour before adding the rest of the ingredients.

Okay, I know I made a few changes! But even though I was missing the above, it took a while to thicken up, but the soup was still awesome (at least, that's my opinion!). Patience is a virtue! Let me know if you try it & if you like it as much as I do!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A little overdue-Kauai

So, this one's been a long time coming! Just thought that I'd share the story of our R&R trip to the island of Kauai! Kauai is known as The Garden Isle, and for good reason. That place was so green and luscious. I understand that things on the islands are laid back & at a slower pace, but, to me, Kauai was just that & more. It was less tourist-y to me than Oahu. And, there are roosters everywhere!

My husband (the brave soul that he is) decided that while we were in Kauai, we should go on a hiking/kayaking tour. I just want you to know, prior to his brilliant decision, I had never been hiking before. And, now that I have been hiking, I think my husband would say he is never taking me hiking again.

It all started with a guide & about 12 other people. The guide was nice, and it's a good thing that he's a guide, because he sure did like to talk. Maybe that's what I should do one day, be a tour guide. I can talk the paint off the walls, just a thought.

Anyway, we learned about how to kayak (how to paddle pretty much), and then we headed off in a van where the hike would begin towards the Wailua River. Talk about awkward, I felt bad for the guide! He had to just ramble on & on while the rest of the van sat quietly and stared out the windows in opposite directions. Whew, this is gonna be good, somebody speak up. Of course, that somebody had to be me.

Turns out, all the folks on the tour were all coupled off & a family of 4 with 8 &10 year old kids.

One couple, I'd like to call "Canada." Yep, you guessed it, that's where these folks were from. They both had to comment on my husband's & my accent. I understand I'm from the South, and just because I talk slow doesn't mean I'm an idiot, so, stop looking at me like I am, okay, ol' Canada. You have an accent, too. Have I said anything about yours?

I felt so bad for the kids kayaking down the river, a 10 year old with his father, and an 8 year old with her mother. I'm not saying the kids couldn't kayak, they did all right. The mother complained the whole time about it all. Lady, #1, you brought your little kids with short arms, so, it's gonna be a little hard to paddle, #2, there's gonna be mosquitoes, we're walking through a river valley. Duh! Where's that bug repellant? Okay, I don't have any room to talk about bug repellant, because I didn't bring any either (see picture below), but I did have sense enough to borrow some & for the record, I didn't whine! Just sayin'.

There was also a couple from Tennessee, that appeared to be so in love, they were in their own little world. But, hey, good for them. Also, there was another couple that was extremely nice, but I can't remember where they're from. The husband was in the Navy (back in the day), and he & my husband were able to talk military. His wife was so positive & encouraging (I'll call Ms. Optimism), as we're walking through mud (up to our ankles & in our shoes, I'm not whining, by the way), she said, "Embrace the Mud, people in California pay for these mud baths, just embrace the mud." Oh, believe me, lady, I'll embrace the mud, all right. Maybe ten minutes into the hike, I fell on my face, and yes, you guessed it, into the mud. I'm not the most graceful of all people.

I only had one other fall whenever we crossed some water, and that was a great thing, because it took alot of the mud off of me from the first fall on the hike. What can I say, Ms. Optimism was rubbing off on me!

We got to Wailua Falls & that was the prettiest sight I have ever seen. My husband decided to go swimming under the falls. I can barely doggie paddle, so, I watch from a distance (i.e. where the water is shallow or nonexistent). I tried to take my husband's picture with the falls, but the whining mother made the shot.

Here are a few more pictures from the hike. It really was alot of fun. This place was beautiful, oh yeah, and here is where royalty took baths.

And, speaking of bathing, if you care, here's an awapuhi plant (used in some shampoos).

The group!

Here is my favorite picture from the trip!

If you ever have a chance to visit Kauai, I would do it! Until then, you can live vicariously through me!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy SUNday :)

So, in case you are wondering, since we're about to be leaving this island, I feel the need to share lots of beautiful things we have seen along the way. Yes, I know I should've been sharing all along, but now get ready for picture overload (At least for the next couple of weeks.)! I realize that it has been a blessing to live on an island paradise as a newlywed, or just a blessing for anyone (whether you're a newlywed or not, ha!). I never thought I'd ever see Hawaii, much less live here for 2 years! God blesses me over and over again. Now, here are a few pics for your Sunday!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

I am one of the most blessed people in this world to be able to live in a country of freedom, the good ol' United States of America. I am so thankful for all the liberties that I enjoy day in and day out. I am free to be me! We should thank all the men and women who have gone on before us that we are able to be free. Their sacrifice was the ultimate (their lives for us, and our freedoms). We should thank all the men and women who currently serve and who have served this great nation in all branches of the military. For all of you, I am thankful! It is because of you, that these colors still fly! Thank you!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

We're totally on the same page

Okay, folks, I live in Hawaii. You know what that means, right? There is no Chick-Fil-A on this island. I just thought I would share my true feelings about the restaurant. This song makes me laugh my head off, but my husband thinks it's ridiculous. Clearly, he doesn't share my feelings, but I thought I would share it anyway.

*I don't own this video, thanks to youtube & singer, Tim Hawkins. Dude, you're hilarious.*

Monday, June 27, 2011

You know you're a chick from the South when...

Your top 5 movies are these:
This movie never, ever gets old! 

Total tear-jerker, but I LOVE OUISA!!!

Kathy Bates makes me laugh!!!

TOTAL chick flick

We all know that life is like a box of chocolates, right? How can you not help but love Forrest?
*I don't own these images, that all goes to Google.*

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A little taste of Heaven in yo' mouth

I believe one of the best things I could ever receive would be a great recipe.  If you don't know how to cook, don't worry! If you've got a good recipe, you're good to go!  You can be Betty Crocker herself with a good recipe in hand.  Now, I, by no means, am Betty Crocker, but I sure love trying to be anyway! I am from the South, so, I love some good Southern food (actually, any food for that matter), but I would have to consider this recipe Southern, for sure.

Today after church, my husband & I went to our friends' home, and I was able to try a little taste of Heaven in my mouth! I am SO not kidding! Get was NOT even CHOCOLATE and I was lovin' every bite I ate.  If you don't know me, I am a choc-aholic! I'm telling you, just trust me & try this pie!  You will be the Queen of the Kitchen! People will be saying, "Betty? Betty Who?"

Impossible Amazing Fabulous Good Ol' Buttermilk Pie

1 cup buttermilk
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup bisquick
1 tsp vanilla
3 eggs
1 stick butter (melted)

Combine all ingredients together. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Serve warm.

I wish I had a picture to share, but the pie was gone so fast there was no time for pictures! I had to get my slice!

Thank you, Hope, for such a good recipe! You made my day.

*If anyone else would like to share with me one of their favorite recipes, feel free!*

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A few of MY favorite things...

Now, I'm no OPRAH or anything, but I did want to share a few of my favorite things with you.

Yes, there I said it...or rather, the image just speaks for itself! I can admit it. Yes, I am addicted to Diet Coke! I LOVE Diet Coke! I have heard it all: Diet Coke is bad for you; Diet Coke brittles your bones; Diet Coke breaks out your face; Diet Coke makes you fat! And, still, I drink it every dadgum day! I know, I know, I need to get it together! I need to cut back. I need to learn to lower my daily intake of caffeine! But, for now, it is the top of my "favorite things" list (some would call this ignorance).  But, don't worry, Mom-as I'm writing this, I'm making a mental note to try to plan my official cutback of the thing that I call "GOLD!" One day at a time!

I just have to share! I got a deal today at the Navy Exchange.  I bought some Victoria Secret Body Wash for a whoppin' $4! Yes, FOUR! I was so happy...if you don't know me, I LOVE a deal! I LOVE a sale! I LOVE a steal! So, this stuff smells really good, and I am still basking in my after-the-sale glow!!!  So, that is 2 more of my favorite things---VS Body Wash & an amazing DEAL!

Ahem-I do not LOVE all the scents by VS, but I definitely have my favorites (all of the above & a few more)!

This "favorite thing" has a little sentimental value to it! I love the shade of Clinique's lipstick, Go Fig! This is the lipstick that I was introduced to on my wedding day, and it still stands by me today (along with my husband, Ha!).

I love DKNY Be Delicious Fresh Blossom. This is a "new" scent to me! I love the way this perfume smells. I'm gonna admit it, every single time we go into a department store & pass the perfume counter,  I HAVE to try the tester! I'm hoping I can hint enough about it, and maybe I'll get it for Christmas! :)

What are some of your favorite things?

*Thanks to Google Images for the images in this blog. I don't own them.*

Friday, June 24, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

An Amazing Sight

I just wanted to share my favorite picture from our R&R in Kauai! We went kayaking & hiking, and we were able to see this beautiful waterfall.  It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen in my life.  I don't understand how some people can believe that amazing sights like this didn't come from God.  

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet; All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Psalm 8:3-9en I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordaine